Orange is the New Black
by TVPre · February 24, 2015

Piper Chapman is sentenced for 15 months for a crime she committed 10 years ago. She learns the rules of prison, she also makes her first mistake by offending Red, she is the powerful matriarch of the prison kitchen. Piper is served a bloody tampon and is almost starved to death. Piper learns that Alex Vause, her former lover and the reason why she is in prison is actually in the same facility.
Insulting Red’s food was a big mistake, Piper is trying to find a way to apologies, “Crazy Eyes” helps her. After that she makes a romantic move on Piper. More flashes reveal Piper clumsiness destroying relationships.
Polly, Piper’s best friend takes more responsibility when it comes to the soap-making business. “Crazy Eyes” submits a proposal to bunk with Piper, she rejects it immediately. Piper moves into Miss Claudette’s cube, subsequently “Crazy Eyes” urinates on the floor of their space. Piper and Alex’s relationship becomes very hostile. Flashbacks reveal Sophia’s troubles, her gender transition, how her wife and child couldn’t adjust and her credit card fraud. The prison reduces Sophia’s estrogen dose, subsequently she asks her wife to smuggle pills in the prison. Her wife refuses, calling her selfish in the process.
Piper adjust in working at the electrical shop and living with Claudette. Piper misplaces a screwdriver, the guards look everywhere to find it before one of the inmate does and uses is as a weapon. Mendez molests Piper during the search. Piper relationship with Claudette takes a turn to the worse after she comes back to the cube with the screwdriver. Piper and Claudette make peace after the search is over. Tricia tries to prevent her girlfriend’s release, Claudette convinces her not to be selfish and ruin Valduto’s release.
While in the yard, Piper sees a chicken, she mentioned it and Red recalls her dream about a well cooked chicken, she offers a reward to the person that brings her the chicken. Larry finds out that Alex gave Piper’s name to the feds. Larry lies to Piper, Polly Harper arranges a business call for Piper who instead chooses to chase the chicken. Sophia continues her quest for estrogen pills, she asks Sister Ingalls who refuses. The chapel’s ceiling collapses, the prisoners have to clean it up.
Polly takes full control over the soap business while Piper confronts her mother. Larry decides to write an article about his fiancee’s life in prison. Healy arranges for Piper to run for WAC. Piper is place on the council even after she refused the position. Piper finds the missing mobile phone that the guards have been searching for, it was between the walls in the bathroom. Aleida is attacked by her daughter Daya after she learned that her mother was trying to have sex with Bennett. He reveals that he turned Aleida down, Daya rewards him with oral sex, during the rewards she finds out that he has a prosthetic leg. Flashbacks reveal how Red helped Nicky deal with her drug problem.
Watson gets released from the Security Housing Unit/Solitary and realizes that Piper has the screwdriver. Piper confesses but also points out the real reason why Watson was sent to SHU. Flasbacks tells us more about Watson and how she went from gifted track star to armed robber. Piper and Watson’s relationship improves after Piper reopens the running track. Piper being appointed to WAC makes Pennsatucky mad. Pennsatucky threatens to rape Alex unless she keeps quiet. Red is being pressured by Mendez to smuggle drugs into prison, she refuses.
A flu bug starts to circulate the prison, Larry publishes his paper, Piper is unhappy with the content. After reading the article, Healy acts cold with Piper with now knowing about her history with girls. While fixing a dryer, Alex and Piper flirt with each-other. Daya is pregnant, Polly gives birth and Taystee is granted parole. Tricia goes through drug withdrawal, subsequently Red cuts off Tricia. To retaliate against Red, Nicky tells Mendez one or two things that will get her in a lot of trouble.
Red flushes the drugs that Mendez got into the prison using her connections, Mendez issues a death threat towards Red. Alex and Pennsatucky clash over their views on religion and homosexuality. Nicky and Alex flirt, we also see how Alex was bullied and her relationship with her mother. The flahbacks also reveal her beginning at the drug cartel.
Bennett learns that Daya is pregnant, he is concerned that he will get in a lot of trouble for having sex with her, that is if the system finds the truth. Tricia is dead, prison officials cover-up her death to avoid an investigation. Mendez and Daya are caught having sex by Caputo. Mendez is put on unpaid leave in order to avoid rape investigation. Mendoza is chosen to replace Red as the chef, the finale ends with Piper on Pennsatucky, repeatedly striking her.
Piper is taken to a new location, after the landing, she realizes that she is in Chicago. Her initial though is that she is there for killing Doggett. After meeting up with the new inmates and seeing Alex again, she is told that she is here temporarily, only until she testifies against Alex’s boss. Alex suggests lying in court, she fears that if they tell the truth, Kubra Balik might hurt them. Piper is determined to tell the truth, flashbacks reveal Piper’s troubled childhood. Piper meets her lawyer who strongly advises her to tell the truth, in the van that is taking them to trial, Alex tries one last time to convince Piper to lie, suggesting that if she doesn’t she will get in trouble for not having the same Trieste. Piper gives in and perjures herself at court, Alex then tells Piper that even though she intended to lie, she told the truth, Piper is now in a lot of trouble for lying. As Alex is being released, Piper yells at her.
Flashbacks shows Taystee trying to find a home, we also get to see her meeting a drug dealer, somone who will later become sort of a mother to her. Pennsatucky gets released from solitary after a month, she was there due to Piper who has beaten her very badly. She makes a deal with Healy, she gets her teeth fixed only if she says what Healy wants her to say about the fight. It is revealed that Red has a grandchild, Vee is the new inmate, Taystee’s mother figure.
Piper returns to Litchfield, she is accompanied by Brook Soso, Piper comforts her until she becomes too annoying. Vee and Red know each-other from a previous incarceration. Larry finds a journalist that is willing to use Piper for the story of Litchfield’s fraud administration. Flashbacks reveal more about Suzanne, someone who was different from the very beginning, she was urged to sing at the high-school ceremony, stage fright makes an embarrassing outburst.
Boo and Nicky engage in an interesting contests, who can sleep with more women in the prison. Polly’s husband is away, meanwhile Polly and Larry begin to bond. Christopher, Lorna’s love is marrying another woman. Lorna takes the opportunity while driving Rosa to her cancer treatments to break into Christopher’s home and take a relaxing bath, she almost gets caught. Flashbacks reveal us that Lorna was never engaged to Christopher, they went on one date and she stalked him afterwards, leaving him threatening messages.
Mendoza’s Latinas are attacked by Vee’s posse, Fig reuses to fix the Latinas shower due to lack of money, that limits their showers for 30 seconds. Vee and Mendoza make a deal to calm things down after the tension between the blacks and latinas is growing. Piper’s mom and Cal visit Piper, they reveal to her that her grandmother is dying and that is the reason why her father couldn’t come. Nicky is trying to sleep with Fischer, while Boo is going for the small pointers, their competition for sleeping with more women is continuing. In the flashbacks it is revealed that Mendoza was a victim of domestic violence.
The Valentine Day is nearing, the inmates are preparing for the party. Vitaly helps her mother, Red to import items through the sewer drain in the greenhouse. Piper is asked by Larry to be his mole in the prison, so he can write about inmates’ fiances. Piper wants to find out where the prison money are going, for that reason she starts questioning guard and inmates in the prison. Flashbacks this time reveal Poussey’s romantic history with another girl while in base in Germany. The girl’s father discovers the shameful act, subsequently he sends Poussey and her family to the US. Pennsatucky is no longer a part of her former group, she has been banished by Leanne. Maritza and Flaca have an intimate moment in the kitchen.
After Jimmy’s escape, Caputo demands that monitoring of the inmates must be improved. The flashbacks shows us Black Cindy as a security officer at the airport. She was arrested for stealing from the passengers backpacks. Sophia gets her estrogen pills after Red smuggles them in, in exchange for postal stamps for Vee, Taystee gives Nicky a cigarette. Poussey doesn’t want to involve herself in Vee’s business, Nicky advises her to get of Vee’s good side. Jimmy gets released from prison.
Due to the special privileges, Piper faces a new backlash. Rosa’s past is explored, flashbacks shows us some of her bank robberies. While in chemo, she meets a young boy, she finds out later that he is in remission.
Larry admits to Piper that he slept with someone else. Piper’s grandmother’s funurel turns into her brother’s wedding. We get to see more of Vee and Red’s relationship history through flashbacks. Caputo is told by Bennett that Daya is pregnant and that Mendez must be the father.
Mendez gets arrested and fired because it is believed that he is the father. Piper find out that Larry and Polly slept together, Vee wants to join Red in the garden business. Healy starts a consulting group.
After finally reaching out to Alex, Piper finds out that Kubra wasn’t convincted. Piper is told that she is being transferred to Virginia. Polly leaves Pete for Larry, sister Ingalls joins the hunger streak lead by Soso. Red isn’t informed that the Elders have a plan in motion to kill Vee, the plan backfires after the stab the wrong inmate.
Red and Vee’s rivalry continues for the businesses in the prison. All the inmates are forced to sleep in the mess hall after the storm floods the plumbing system. Red is concerned that she and her gang might get attacked during the night. Lorna has an intimate moment with a dying Rosa. While getting a lot of angry calls from Caputo, Figueroa finds out a horrible truth about her husband. Red is unable to kill Vee, she spares her.
Vee’s family turns on her after they fell apart. Figueroa is desperate for Caputo’s silence, she performs oral sex on her, then she resigns. Rosa finds out that the chemo doesn’t work, she has only 3 to 6 weeks left. Morello intentionally leaves the keys in the van, Rosa uses that opportunity to run away and to enjoy the last few weeks in freedom. She sees Vee on the side of the road and intentionally runs her over.